Introducing: New Moon Holistic Life

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Readers of the Launchpad Blog may or may not know that New Moon Strategy is a full-service digital marketing agency that primarily focuses on health & wellness businesses. Health & wellness is a topic that our team is very passionate about, and something that is very close to our hearts.

Today, we’re very excited to announce that New Moon Strategy has just launched a sister company, New Moon Holistic Life! Our Chief Operations Officer, Kate, recently became a certified holistic life coach and now offers holistic life coaching services with this new company.

New Moon Holistic Life (NMHL) is a really unique and exciting way for our team at New Moon Strategy to continue on our health & wellness focused mission. While New Moon Holistic Life will offer life coaching services to people from all walks of life, we’re very interested in working with young adults, college students, and even helping business owners take better care of themselves so that they can be better equipped to run their business!! 

What exactly is holistic life coaching?

The term “holistic” is defined as “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.” This means that rather than treating symptoms of an issue, holistic life coaching works with your mind, body, and spirit – addressing your entire system. It takes a holistic approach to healing ourselves so that we may feel our best! With holistic life coaching, we will discover self-limiting beliefs, our programming, and how these things may be holding us back from taking action, chasing our dreams, and/or creating the life that we want. Holistic life coaching uses holistic healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, visualization, and more. It also uses traditional life coaching techniques such as goal-setting, accountability, assigning homework and planning action steps.

How does it work?

There are a few different services that New Moon Holistic Life will be offering:

  • Private Coaching – These one-on-one coaching sessions are typically 6-12 sessions where we will work together to discover your goals and help you to begin to create the life of your dreams. With goal-setting and accountability as well as using holistic healing modalities, you will begin to take control of your life and be set up to continue on this path once our sessions are complete.
  • Small Group Coaching – For groups of up to 8 people, NMHL offers life coaching in a group setting with intimate discussions. We will work towards a specific goal together and the number of sessions will depend on the group!
  • Workshops & Seminars – Workshops & seminars with NMHL are one-time educational events that are focused on teaching a specific life coaching topic, tool, or practice.
  • Series – New Moon Holistic Life’s series sessions are similar to workshops and seminars, but these are multi-session educational events. During a series, we will dive deep into certain life coaching topics..

Who is life coaching for?

Life coaching is different from seeing a therapist. A life coach will not provide medical advice, and it is not for venting your problems and having someone to listen to you. Life coaching is for people who want to make a positive change in their life and who are ready to put in the effort to do so! It is for someone who feels stuck and overwhelmed and needs direction and accountability to make the changes that they need to make for themselves. Holistic life coaching is for people who need help getting past the programming and negative thought patterns that are currently holding them back.

What makes New Moon Holistic Life unique?

Kate is a newly certified holistic life coach, but it was a long journey for her to get to this point. She has been on the other side and she has felt stuck, overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed with her life and knew she needed to make change, but didn’t know how to do it. She didn’t realize how much work she needed to do for her mind, body, and spirit to be ABLE to make positive changes and to create the life that she wanted. She has been in the shoes of the student seeing a life coach. Her experience with a life coach made her feel supported and provided her with the help she needed to get on the right path. She grew tremendously and continues to learn and grow every day. Kate wants to be able to provide this same experience to others! You are human, and feeling stuck is normal – but it doesn’t have to stay that way. New Moon Holistic Life’s unique phases of the moon approach ties into our life journey to creating a life that we love.

Who do I work with?

NMHL works with anyone who is looking to make positive changes in their life and is committed to doing the work. We specialize in helping business owners and entrepreneurs as we have now built several companies of our own! We also specialize in helping young adults as we know this is a difficult time in our lives to plan our future and create the life that we want. It’s also extremely difficult to understand and know what to plan for at this stage in the life of a young adult.

To learn more about New Moon Holistic Life and learn about working with our certified holistic life coach, Kate, please visit the NMHL website: 

Original article on New Moon Holistic Life.

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